What is Synful Cookies?

Synful Cookies is the brain child of two girls who came together for their love of cookies! Cookies have a very special place in our hearts here at Synful Cookies. A bite of the right cookie takes us back to the best of times – because one can never be sad while eating a cookie.

A cookie is not just a cookie
It's a pick-me-up after a 15hour shift at work; it’s a celebration with university friends after finishing exams; it’s a remedy for those darn period cravings or cramps. It is the smaller moments in life that is lodged in some parts of your brain that you didn’t know exist until you bite into the right cookie that brings them all back.

We at Synful Cookies aim to help create more moments over good #Synful cookies and hopefully, help bring back some of the best moments through taste memory!

The Synners

Sarita is the Devil of Flavours at Synful Cookies. She makes you #Syn with her decadent creations and gets you addicted! Equipped with culinary skills from the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu, she bakes our cookies with the most devilish techniques and creates the most #Synful flavours.

Oh and she makes AMAZING cakes too! If you need cakes to go with your cookies (because why not?), check her out here.

Syn Joe is the Cookie Whisperer and Cookie Connoisseur at Synful Cookies. She used to be one of the most synful creatures – a lawyer! But she eventually answered her devilish calling – to taste and sell cookies. She has the ability to stir up #Synful emotions and you’ll find yourself unknowingly indulging in boxes of cookies!